Archicad training

Further education in CAD

Learn Archicad software !


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ArchiCAD is an architectural software published by Graphisoft. A tool specifically designed for architects, ArchiCAD uses many innovative concepts.
  • During this archiCAD course you will learn to use the architectural tools and the browser for modelling and operation.
  • You will be able to communicate your project, from the documentation tools and layout to the rendering!

Learning by themes

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For all Cantons

Courses 2023-2024

The validation exam results in a Timbereng certificate that attests solid theoretical and practical knowledge !  eduQua certified

L'examen de validation des acquis aboutit à l'obtention d'un certificat Timbereng qui atteste de connaissances théoriques et pratiques robustes !

Label qualité Eduqua

1 participant
Price: 3’990 fr / pers. (42h, exam included)
Tutorial : 100.00 fr

2 participants
Price: 3’400 fr / pers. (42h, exam included)
Tutorial : 60.00 fr

3 participants
Price: 3’000 fr / pers. (42h, exam included)
Tutorial : 60.00 fr

4 participants
Price: 2’600 fr / pers. (42h, exam included)
Tutorial : 60.00 fr

For the Canton of Geneva

Annual training cheque

The annual training cheque (CAF) is a financial support that can help you pay for a part of the course useful to your career path.
The annual training cheque (CAF) is a financial support that can help you pay for a part of the course useful to your career path.

Conception 2D et 3D sur le logiciel ArchiCAD – Niveau 1
Réf. : 4127
Maximum amount of the CAF : 500.00 fr.

Conception 2D et 3D sur le logiciel ArchiCAD – Niveau 2
Réf. : 4128
Maximum amount of the CAF : 500.00 fr.


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